When managers become Damagers, the effects on a business can be devastating. This is an Article on Toxic Leadership which we hope will help Businesses overcome Toxic Management in their Organization.

Foreword – My personal experiences

Throughout my career, I have consistently held management positions, starting as an Assistant Manager and excelling in various management roles within large Retail Groups.

My experience has exposed me to a diverse range of management styles, prompting me to closely observe and analyze the impact of these styles on productivity. I have witnessed the detrimental effects of favoritism within management, leading to disunity among staff and ultimately affecting the company’s bottom line.

On the other hand, I have also had the privilege of working under exceptional managers who prioritized uplifting their staff and fostering unity within the workplace.

The positive outcomes of their approach were evident in improved staff engagement, customer service, and ultimately the business’s success. These experiences emphasize the significant influence of management actions on overall performance.

It is crucial for business owners to recognize the unique qualities of the individuals they entrust with the management of their business. This understanding is essential for ensuring the success and prosperity of the organization.

How can Toxic Leadership Damage a Business?

Toxic leadership refers to a management style that is harmful to the organization and its employees. It involves behaviors and actions that undermine the well-being and effectiveness of the workforce.

How Toxic Leadership Can Damage a Business:

Decreased Employee Morale: Toxic leadership can create a negative work environment, leading to low employee morale and motivation.

High Turnover Rates: Employees may leave the organization due to the detrimental effects of toxic leadership, resulting in high turnover rates.

Decline in Productivity: Toxic leadership can hinder collaboration, communication, and teamwork, leading to a decrease in overall productivity.

Decreased Profitability: Ultimately, the negative impact on employee morale, turnover rates, and productivity can result in a decline in profitability for the business.

Toxic Leadership

Examples of Toxic Leadership

Examples of how managers can damage a business include micromanaging, lack of communication, favoritism, and failure to provide constructive feedback.


Micromanaging, the practice of closely overseeing and controlling every aspect of a team’s work, has been shown to negatively affect creativity and innovation.

When team members feel constantly scrutinized and restricted in their decision-making, they are less likely to take risks and think outside the box. This can ultimately hinder the development of new ideas and solutions within the team.

On the other hand, a lack of communication within a team can lead to misunderstandings and conflicts. When team members are not kept informed about project updates, goals, and expectations, it can result in individuals working towards different objectives or duplicating efforts. This can create friction and discord within the team, hindering productivity and overall success.

Finding the right balance between providing guidance and autonomy, as well as fostering open and effective communication is crucial for creating an environment where creativity and innovation can thrive.

Encouraging trust, collaboration, and open dialogue within the team can help mitigate the negative impacts of micromanaging and a lack of communication, ultimately leading to a more productive and innovative work environment.

Tabuk Trading


Favoritism in the workplace can lead to a sense of unfairness among employees, causing resentment and negative feelings towards both the favored individual and the management.

This can create a toxic work culture where trust, morale, and productivity suffer. Employees may feel demotivated and disengaged, leading to higher turnover rates and lower overall performance.

Organizations need to address favoritism and ensure fair treatment for all employees to maintain a positive and healthy work environment

My personal experiences with Favoritism

As I reflect on my personal experience with favoritism, I recall a challenging situation I encountered while consulting for a Franchise Business Unit.

This particular business unit had experienced a turnover of six different managers within 11 years, often due to various offenses such as theft. It was undoubtedly one of the most complex businesses I had ever worked with.

Upon our arrival, it became evident that the staff morale was at an all-time low, resulting in a lack of motivation and productivity. Toxic leadership had led to a decline in employee morale, customer service, and profitability, with rampant favoritism and theft being significant issues.

Through our expertise and efforts in educating the owners, training and re-training staff, and advocating for target-based bonuses, we were able to turn the franchise store around.

Within a year, we successfully transformed the store from being ranked 87 out of 112 units to consistently ranking in the top 20 and becoming the top store in the region.

This experience underscored the importance of selecting the right manager with the appropriate tools to drive positivity and profitability.

Failure to provide constructive feedback

Failure to provide constructive feedback to employees can have detrimental effects on their morale and productivity. When employees do not receive meaningful feedback, they may feel undervalued and unappreciated, leading to a lack of motivation and engagement in their work.

Constructive feedback is essential for employees to understand their strengths and areas for improvement, and without it, they may struggle to reach their full potential. Additionally, without guidance and support, employees may become disengaged and ultimately seek opportunities elsewhere.

Therefore, it is crucial for managers and leaders to prioritize providing constructive feedback to ensure that employees feel valued, motivated, and empowered to succeed in their roles.

On the other hand, good management behaviors involve effective communication, empowerment of employees, fairness, and the ability to provide constructive feedback.

Effective communication ensures that everyone is on the same page and allows for transparency within the organization. Empowering employees by delegating tasks and allowing them to make decisions fosters a sense of ownership and responsibility.

Fairness in treatment and decision-making promotes trust and respect among employees. Lastly, providing constructive feedback helps employees grow and improve their performance.

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